Saturday, January 7, 2012

So, let's talk about weight loss and goals...

Weight loss and goals. Two things that generally go together, especially this time of year, right? Well for the first time in a very long time, that is not the case for me! You can be sure I have goals--You know me well enough by now to know that! I'm the goal queen, I mean, c'mon I have a list of 101 goals! So yeah, I have goals for this year, but for the first time, they are different. Instead on fixating on how I can change how I look, I'm looking at all the other aspects of how I can improve.

Obviously I don't care how I look, I'm posting a post-workout picture in all my sweaty and messy hair glory! Oh but check out the shirt--I love it!

But in all seriousness, I do have some goals this year.

1. First of all, I'd like to work on knocking off a few more of my 101 goals, although I'm not sure which ones yet.
2. I want to strive to be more productive during the day with my writing and cleaning/house chores.
3. I want to improve my sleep--possibly purchase black out curtains, cover the alarm clock and hit the hay before 10pm ideally.
4. Complete at least 21 days of strict paleo eating. (I'm currently on Day 6)

Today's breakfast-Baked Eggs.

5. Call the women in my small group more than text them
6. Be more frugal.
7. Really work on learning my bible--memorizing verses and where to look for stuff.

So those are the main goals I came up with for the year in general. I like to look at my whole being, not just health. But what about my title about weight loss and goals? Oh yeah, I've got those too, but because my whole view on health and fitness has completely changed from where I use to stand, my goals are different, too.

I've ditched the scale, so I don't have any number of pounds I'd like to lose. In fact, when folks ask in regards to my lifestyle, "Have you lost any weight?" My answer is "I don't know, but I feel great!". Why do we ask that question, seriously? My view of you isn't going to change based on what the scale says, I won't love you more or less either way. So, no numbers in mind, what about clothes? Do I have a goal for them to fit better, to get into a smaller size?

No. I don't. To be honest, I'd love that, but it's not something I'm focusing on, in fact I've got absolutely ZERO goals based on how I look. That's not why I'm striving to live a healthy lifestyle. My ultimate goal is to be healthy, to be strong, to be fit. To be able to keep up with my kids and do it for a long time. To have a great quality of life.

So what kind of goals can you have besides the scale and clothes? Well, these are the goals I have for myself that I posted over at the forum at EPLifeFit:

1. Advance past the Beginner Modules
2. Be able to do a real pull up
3. Push-ups not on my knees
4. Complete at least 30 days perfect paleo eating
5. Cook the beef tongue (and possibly heart) that's in my freezer
6. Floss everyday (I know it doesn't really fit in here, but I really need to do this!)

My new pumped up kicks.

I made these goals about two weeks ago and I've already made progress.  I've progressed past the Beginner Modules and am doing the heavy lift rotation and workouts. I'm also on day 6 of perfect paleo eating and have flossed almost everyday since then. At the rate I'm going, I'm sure I'll blaze past these goals in no time. And then I'll give myself new goals, how much I'd like to lift on the benchpress, deadlift, squat or shoulder press. Or maybe to be able to do double-unders. Or maybe to be able to do a handstand. Whatever the goals are that I strive for next, they won't be about how I look. I'm done with that. 

Why, you ask? Well, it's not that I don't care, because I do. Oh boy do I. I've always been one of those worried about what others think or how I'm being perceived. It's made me shy, self-conscious and anxious. And none of those are good things and I'm tired of being those things. Worrying about that stuff probably doesn't help me reach my goals. Check out this article for some of what my rational is based on. I'll wait for you to read it, go ahead. It's important.

*drinking my coffee while I wait*

Okay, you're back? Did you read it? Good. I'll go on. For me it's more than that though, it's also about how God views me. This verse particularly hits home:

"Psalm 139 verses 13-14:
For you created my inmost being
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well."

So, here's the kicker: God made me exactly the way he wanted me to be and that is exactly how I am. Me: with my frizzy hair, no waist and big bones. The way I am is the way he "knit me together". And when I complain about how I'm made, I'm criticizing him. How prideful is that? He's the one who created the whole wide world, set up photosynthesis, the water cycle and every other amazing way that this world/earth lives! Like that verse says, his "works are wonderful" and I was "fearfully and wonderfully made". So, God made me and his works are wonderful, which means I am wonderful.  I don't know about you, but knowing that kind of makes me think twice about complaining about any of my physical "flaws".

So, if God made me and I'm wonderful, should I even care about eating right or working out? Most definitely. Here's another verse: 

I Corinthians 10:23
 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive."

and then 1 Corinthians 10:31
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

God gave me this body and I'm going to treat it with the respect that it deserves. I'm not going to take it for granted by eating crud and being lazy. I'm going to do my best to treat it "constructively" and live it "for the glory of God." And personally, I think it would encourage God to see me taking good care of what he's given. And so, that's why I'm making different goals this year.

Do you have any goals this year? Are they different than last year or are you stuck in the same ol' rut?

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