"If bread is so bad for us than why is it in the bible? or more specifically, Why is it eaten all over in the bible and why is Jesus referred to as the "bread of life"?
Well, to be honest, it has stumped me for awhile. I have read some great posts around the blogosphere about meshing ones spiritual beliefs a paleo health perspective, which have helped me kind of reframe my thoughts a little:
I was encouraged to read other spiritual perspectives on this issue and hear those wonderful ladies' ideas. But, like anything one believes in, I wanted to have my own convictions about why I eat this way. So, I started doing my own reading and searching for answers. One of them I've recently shared with you via the review on "Wheat Belly" a couple days ago. Basically, the bread that Jesus talks about, the bread that was served with the fishes to the 5,000, the bread broken in the upper room, is completely different from the bread we have on the grocery store shelves. Modern day wheat is so far genetically from the wheat grown in biblical times. Then of course there's the processing of the wheat that has been refined and then all the other additives in our "bread" that make it so different. And then there's all the other "grain products" that are so super processed that have taken the place of bread nowadays.
So, my first point is, if our bread was Jesus's bread, and eaten in the same frequency as Jesus' bread, with a diet that was also otherwise identical to Jesus' diet, we could eat it and be fine.
And there is scripture to support this idea, as well. 1 Corinthians 10:23 says,
"I have the right to do anything," you say, but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything," but not everything is constructive.
Yes, in theory God created all our food because he enabled us to come up with it all. But if we follow that theory there are many things that are not good for us that he created as well, like illegal drugs or some plants that are deadly if eaten. So just because I can eat something doesn't mean I should.
Well, I don't know about you, but this body is the only one I'm gonna get, so I want to take care of it as best I can. A little bit further in Corinthians it says:
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Cor 10:31). I'm choosing to eat what I believe is the healthiest for me because I want to do it for the "glory of God". It's not going to glorify God very much if I just eat whatever junk comes my way.
Oh, and another thing about this body, I think it is very easy for us to be critical of ourselves, especially when we are striving to get healthier, fitter, stronger, etc. I know that in the past I've looked at parts of my body and been discouraged that they aren't skinny/firm/smooth enough. I've lamented my big bones and my plethora of body hair. I've wished for a less round face and a more defined waist. Honestly, some of my strongest motivation for losing weight in the past has been seeing myself in a less than flattering photograph. And all that garbage has to stop.
Check this out, in Psalm 139:13-14 it says:
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
So, basically, God made me exactly the way I am, on purpose. God, the creator of the universe who thought up gravity and seasons and the water cycle, he also made me. And all his 'works are wonderful'. So that means, I am wonderful just the way I am. Frizzy hair, big bones, hairy arms and all. Who am I to criticize God's creation? I have no place to do that. All I can do is do my best to take care of myself! And I do that by eating and cooking for my family whole, real, inflammatory-free foods (which basically is paleo/primal) and being active.

I've often wondered the same thing. Great perspective, Kendra! ...and thanks for the reminder about appreciating God's creation :)
ReplyDeleteVery good reasoning, and even though I don't think you need to justify your reasons to anyone, it's good to have it thought out for yourself!
ReplyDeleteLOVE this!!! THANK you!