Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I didn't actually see this pretty view on my run today, although my run had some pretty cool sights too. I just don't haul my camera or my cell phone with me on runs, so this will have to suffice. It was pretty cool this morning, though, as I ran past a couple deer (like the ones in my backyard ) and they hardly budged. I think I ended up being 10 ft away from a young buck w/ fuzzy antlers at one point. I thought it was interesting. They are obviously use to humans!

But, yes, I did get to go for a run this morning. It was a beautiful morning of sunshine and everything green, birds chirping and little animals here and there. I am grateful to be running after my short hiatus due to my weird heel pain and then my 2 week long cold/illness. I ended up missing about a month and a half of training, so I'm pretty far behind where I could/should be according to my initial half-marathon training plan. I wasn't sure if I should even continue through with the training and do the marathon with this lack of training. But I wanted to. And so I plugged my new stats into the wonderful Smart Coach feature over at Runner's World , (which I love) and was pleased to see they gave me an actual plan. In the past I've plugged info in and only received a warning of not enough time to train. This new plan had me starting really slowly and with minimal miles working up to only 6 miles as the longest run. I thought, I can do this, six miles!? That's nothing! And it really is, that's like less than 1/2 of the full 13.1 miles, so I will probably tweak my actual running to increase the long run to be longer than that. But the point is, after seeing that, I decided I would commit to doing the half-marathon. I've been running all winter and am in pretty good shape, so I'm sure I can do it. I've done it before and I can do it again. It might not be my best race ever, and I don't even care if I have to walk at all the water stops! All I know is that I want to do this and so I'm going to. I actually went so far as to register for the half-marathon this past weekend to put my "money where my mouth is", so to speak. 

I'm quite excited about it, too! :-) 
Hopefully I can remember to share my training progress as I go.

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