Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do you resolve?

I must confess, I am an over resolver. What is that, you ask? Well, its someone who resolves too much, obviously. But what I mean by that is, I usually have so many things I want to change in the new year that I end up with a list of goals and resolutions several pages long. Then I force myself to narrow down the list and even then I end up with at least a page. The trouble with too many goals is that I can't focus on them all for a whole year and so usually I end up failing at all of them. And that is not usually very encouraging.

I think the problem lies in the fact that I am a quitter, by nature. I start things, lots of things because I have lots of ideas, but then when it gets tough to do whatever it is I started, I just quit. I give up. I throw my hands up in despair and walk away, foiled again. This is how I've been for as long as I can remember. I don't necessarily relish a challenge. I might think I do, and I might at first, but I don't have staying power.

And, that my friends, is exactly what I want to change this year. All of my goals are related to the idea that I am not a quitter. God didn't create me to be a quitter. He wants me to endure. Romans 5:3 says "...we glory in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." How can I have those things if I'm always running away from the "suffering" so to speak? So this year, I resolve. I resolve to nto quit working on my goals no matter how hard they seem or how much progress I'm not seeing.

In Twenty-Ten I want to:

-Engage. Invest myself in people again and get close to my friends again.
-Get closer to God by having consistent quiet times.
-Find a new way to serve at church.
-Have more consistent, fun/creative dates with Erik. Not just going out to dinner or a movie.
-More fun with the girls, getting down on the floor and playing games with them, doing mommy-daughter dates, etc.
-Spend more time with my mom and sister.
-Write a little everyday, finish my NaNo novels and do NaNoWriMo again in November.
-Catch up on my "old" scrapbooking so I can work on more current pictures and take time to actually enjoy it.
-Lose weight, FINALLY. I will workout everyday and count calories all year if I have to, I'm sick of carrying around the extra pounds.
-Run 3 races, any 3, maybe Riverbank, Bloomsday, and the Half-marathon.
-In my running I want my "short, easy runs" to be around 4 miles or an easy ten minute miles, consistently.

So there you have it. What about you? What are you wanting to change? What are your goals for the new year? There is just something refreshing and exciting about having a new beginning and an opportunity to change something!

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