When I set this goal initially, my thought was that the new camera would be one nicer than the point-and-shoot one I currently had. It worked, but I had thoughts about getting a bigger one with actual lenses and stuff. Turns out that's not exactly what happened.
About a year ago my old faithful Canon died. The shutter stopped working, so I looked it up online to see if it was under warranty. Turns out it wasn't, but I could send it back and get a refurbished one for a good price. So instead of spending big bucks on a super nice camera, I just spent a little bucks on a decent point-and-shoot. I'm still getting the hang of it, and there are some functions my old camera had that this one doesn't which makes me sad, so last year I didn't snap too many shots. The fact that I'm not blogging was probably a huge reason, actually. But this year will change that, I'm determined to capture more of our life moments on camera.
And so, Goal #3 has been fulfilled, even if it's not in the way I anticipated!

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