I watched the mail eagerly, and when the book-shaped package came, I ripped into it enthusiastically. At first I was disappointed to find this book:
The only reason I was disappointed is that I've already read that book. It's part of a three book series that I devoured a couple months ago. I was really hoping for a book I hadn't read yet. But then I opened the book to find this:
It's signed by Anne Aguirre! Okay, my disappointment was starting to dissapate. I've never had a signed book before! And then I started to think about how much I did enjoy this series and so i figured it would be fun to share it with you all. It has been a while since I wrote about anything I'm reading (besides cookbooks).
,is the second book in Anne Aquirre's "Razorland Series". The first book isEnclave
and is a great book. Lindsay is actually reading it right now and she really likes it too. It's about Deuce is a girl who has grown up in an underground society. She's always wanted to be a huntress and finally reaches that goal only to have her whole world turned upside down when she's banished from her society. There are monstrous creatures called "Freaks" which kind of remind me of zombies but different. I don't want to give too much of the first book's story away, but basically "Outpost" picks up after she and her companions find a new community of humans topside.
If you liked reading Hunger Games, you'll like this series. Ann writes really well and her characters are very interesting and deep. And, unlike lots of series I've read recently, I absolutely LOVED the third and final book in the series.